A few years earlier, she had worked at 20th Century Fox as a film editor.
Before becoming a full-blown director, he worked as the film editor on Citizen Kane.
The translation was done at top speed (because Norstedts needed to show it to a film company), and then it was heavily revised by its editor, Christopher MacLehose, of Quercus Press, in London.
翻译工作完成得很快(因为小说要搬上银幕,Norstedts出版社需要向电影公司提供英文版),随后,伦敦栎树出版社(Quercus Press)的编辑克里斯托弗·麦理浩(Christopher MacLehose)对翻译版进行了大量修订。
So he worked sporadically as a musician and film editor, but on account of his twisted fascination with the economic system, he began working as a day trader.
Ms. Geraghty is a film editor and was spending 10 days at the Irish coastal home of Terry George, director of 'Reservation Road,' starring Joaquin Phoenix, which opened across the U.S. last week.
杰拉蒂是一名电影剪辑师,这次出差的目的地是《救赎之路》(Reservation Road)一片的导演特里•乔治(Terry George)在爱尔兰的海滨别墅,时间为10天。
"This is a film about the methodical process of reporting," senior associate editor David Sims commented in the Atlantic.
Film Editor: They cut the original negatives on the films, so that these match the edited film exactly.
Editor: Is showing a film performance act in Lugu Lake?
He is the author of His Majesty, the American and is editor of Introduction to Photoplay and the American Theatrical Film.
I was propositioned by the editor about becoming film critic of the paper.
The play was a success. One of its viewers was a young British film editor named David Lean, who had Guinness reprise his role in the former's 1946 film adaptation of the play.
Film Editor: It means matching sound and pictures and that is usually done by my assistant.
使声音和画面同步。一般由我助手来做。--- 不错。
Hayao Miyazaki has be praised for as one of the representative of Japanese animation film in present age and one of the most infective editor to China as well.
"The editor should be about, the film in the planning, producer Lee is also one of the main characters to write" our lives, "the story behind the scenes."
Angus Wall, editor of 'Zodiac,' a film released earlier this year, says the real impact of all of this digitization is to bring simplicity and artistic control back to the process.
Editor traditional ways and means of combining with multimedia technology, will the future enterprises film editing brought new changes.
After his studies at National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts, he continued his career as director of Photography, Editor and Cinematographer.
After his studies at National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts, he continued his career as director of Photography, Editor and Cinematographer.