The title of the long-awaited fourth installment of the adventure series was announced by Shia LaBeouf, who co-stars with Ford in the film, at MTV Video Music Awards in Las Vegas on Sunday.
周日,这部期待已久的冒险系列片的第四部的片名由与福特一起在片中出演的Shia Labeouf在拉斯维加斯的MTV音乐电视颁奖典礼上对外公布。
The title of the long-awaited fourth installment of the adventure series was announced by Shia LaBeouf, who co-stars with Ford in the film, at MTV Video Music Awards in Las Vegas on Sunday.
周日,这部期待已久的冒险系列片的第四部的片名由与福特一起在片中出演的Shia Labeouf在拉斯维加斯的MTV音乐电视颁奖典礼上对外公布。