The filtration mechanism of PVA17-88 crosslinked is that the formation of a fine film between filtrate medium and cake can prevent loss of water in slurry into formation.
加入交联剂的PVA17- 88降失水剂的降滤失机理是:在过滤介质与滤饼之间形成一层致密的薄膜,阻止了水泥浆中的水向地层流失。
The advances of production process are mainly applications of two stage filtration, full filtrate circulation, filter aids, membrane solvent recovery, dewaxing at room temperature, etc.
The sand filtration is compared with fibre-ball filtration on the removal rate of turbidity, COD and SS, and on the head losses, filtration period and filtrate.
A simple model of dynamic membrane forming in crossflow filtration is presented which can predict filtrate flux and dynamic membrane thickness through the analysis of force on the particles.
Then the filtration is carried out again. The filtrate after filtration is added with nutrition enhancer homogenous mixture to become the liquid-state products of the invention.
Filtrate Recirculation - the cleaning solution is recirculated through the filtrate side of the membrane array. This step is similar to filtration.
The experiment showed that the copolymer filtrate reducer is pretty good in depressing the filtration rate, collapse prevention, reservoir protection, thermal stability and resistance salt.
During the filtration process once the vessel is filled and under pressure filtrate passes through the cloth and into the outer tubes through the slots.
Conclusion Domestic filter can filtrate about 99% leucocytes from SAGM RBCs and the filtration may effectively prevent non hemolytic febrile transfusion reactions.
Results show. that the limit of solid content of distillage, distillage filtrate and filtration residue exists when distillage filtrate is recycled infinitely.
Results show. that the limit of solid content of distillage, distillage filtrate and filtration residue exists when distillage filtrate i…
Results show. that the limit of solid content of distillage, distillage filtrate and filtration residue exists when distillage filtrate i…