Results (1) A lot of cilia and microvilli were obversed on the surface of hippocampal fimbria.
Conclusion Fimbria fornix transection lesion can results in rats learning and memory disorder.
Aim: To observe the effect of fimbria-fornix (ff) transection on rats hippocampal synaptic configuration.
Result: the learning-memory ability was severely impaired by the damage of the fornix-fimbria hippocampi.
In FF control, the cortical tissue of the superficial layer of bilateral fimbria-fornix was transectioned.
The number of phagocyte-like cells that mainly existed on the ciliated surface of hippocampal fimbria was the most;
Method: the senile dementia model with learning-memory disorders was built by cutting off the fornix-fimbria hippocampi to damage the cholinergic system.
Supraependymal nerve fibers existed not only on the ciliated surface of hippocampal fimbria, but also in the middle and posterior surfaces of hippocampal body.
The pregnancy rate of normal fimbria and unobstructed tube after lysis of periadnexal adhesion was 47.4%, 26 cases of laparoscopic salpingostomy had no pregnancy.
粘连松解后伞端正常、输卵管通畅者妊娠率4 7 4 % ,若行腹腔镜下输卵管造口术,2 6例无一例妊娠。
The pregnancy rate of normal fimbria and unobstructed tube after lysis of periadnexal adhesion was 47.4%, 26 cases of laparoscopic salpingostomy had no pregnancy.
粘连松解后伞端正常、输卵管通畅者妊娠率4 7 4 % ,若行腹腔镜下输卵管造口术,2 6例无一例妊娠。