My agent worked out a budget with the ad agency, finally settling on a number and I was booked on the job. One week later, I was in Los Angeles shooting.
Elsewhere, engineers burn the midnight oil making sure that a shoe AD follows a consumer from Web site to Web site until the person finally cracks and buys some new kicks.
That will finally give Microsoft the volume of search queries it needs to try narrowing the gap with Google by making its ad business more efficient.
There's been a bunch of buzz this week over an Ad Age report suggesting that firms are finally realizing that no one pays attention to online banner ads.
But, it also finally provides both France and Spain with an easy way to cross the moat, so I'm hoping that the Netherlands hasn't let their guard down too early. [Ro-Ad via Inhabitat].
Finally, the third kind of property in the example connector, the ad-hoc property, gives no way of determining what the property description should be.
Finally, try to get your AD placed in the most prominent position possible under each heading.
Finally we won this award for a piece of real work. Not for a scam ad or a single piece of work created to simply win awards.
Finally, in frustration, he rewrote the AD, reducing it to a single sentence that I couldn't refute.
The AD image above shows a pre-production sample which hadn't yet written "CD" next to the operation switch; the images to the right show it as finally produced.
When I could finally get the TV on in my hotel in Shanghai (two remote controls: far more modern than what I've experienced in the U. S. ), I literally tuned into an ad for McDonald's.
Finally, an AD can bring unlimited business opportunities for the night and a large consumer.
Finally, the possible research trends on backoff algorithms for Ad Hoc networks were investigated.
Finally, the possible research trends on backoff algorithms for Ad Hoc networks were investigated.