Lots of people pay off their credit CARDS in full each month to avoid finance charges.
Don't give credit card companies another penny in finance charges - they grow richer at your expense.
Since it was your mistake, I demand that the late and finance charges be removed from our account balance.
Usually, if a customer is late paying the balance, finance charges will be calculated and the grace period does not apply.
Allco Finance Group managed to negotiate a loan extension with its bankers on July 1st in return for higher interest charges and a promise to cut its debt.
Unless it is other required for by the Ministry of Finance on the commercial banks' collecting sewage charges, a party discharging sewage shall pay sewage charges to a commercial bank;
Unless it is other required for by the Ministry of Finance on the commercial banks' collecting sewage charges, a party discharging sewage shall pay sewage charges to a commercial bank;