Compatibility not tied to financial bottom line.
Beyond a certain point, the limitations of the desktop tools begin to contribute directly to outages and, ultimately, to the financial bottom line.
Some financial executives acknowledge that, as with much on Wall Street, the issue of giving often comes down to the bottom line.
The bottom line at the bottom of the pyramid is that financial servicesremain shockingly scarce.
The bottom line is, if you're not maxing out the amount of financial aid and scholarships you receive, you're leaving money on the table.
Understand the financial aspect of the business. If they understand how you make money, they can understand the link between their performance and the bottom line.
The bottom line is that Yahoo should be able to execute on both the options listed above, hopefully without waiting for the financial dust to settle.
The bottom line, though, is that many Asean nations are just not used to collaborative development of their financial systems.
Stockmarkets rose in almost a straight line from March 2009, as fears of a further meltdown in the financial sector receded and the global economy hit bottom.
Admiring her intended's bottom line (the financial one, that is) automatically makes a woman a gold digger.
Also, since financial results are the bottom line for every single business function and domain, managers can use them as benchmarks to compare results from various parts of the organization.
These hard bottom-line realities may also mean that managers can't rely as much as they might have in the past on using financial incentives to drive employee engagement.
The business case refers to the bottom-line financial and other reasons for businesses pursuing CSR strategies and policies.
While the financial impact of this approach is company confidential, Hess reported that this business process approach contributed significantly to the company's bottom line.
While the financial impact of this approach is company confidential, Hess reported that this business process approach contributed significantly to the company's bottom line.