The financial fraud cases in the take place continuously, Making financial fraud of management face rigorous challenge.
With the 2005 top 10 financial fraud cases to light, this issue once again become the focus of attention of the problem.
The rotation system has been carried out in many countries since the early years of this century because of the numerous financial fraud cases.
Earnings quality is a very important aspect of the evaluation of corporate financial health. Poor earnings quality is often associate with financial fraud cases.
Speaking objectively, several complicated and deep factors including social circumstance and historical reasons contribute to the happening of financial fraud cases.
A series of financial fraud cases occurred continually in big company such as Enron, Worldcom, fully exposed that in a listed company the key management person always override its internal control.
In many borderline cases involving financial fraud, the crime ultimately lies in the eye of a beholding jury or judge.
In many borderline cases involving financial fraud, the crime ultimately lies in the eye of a beholding jury or judge.