Increasingly, financial firms have a stake in these markets too. Trading in agricultural futures, once a backwater, has boomed in recent years.
Trading in stock index futures will begin on April 16, the China Financial futures Exchange announced late last Friday.
The official WeChat account of China Financial Futures Exchange (CFFEX) said that some media recently reported that the trading rules of Share Price Index Futures (SPIF) will have some changes.
Gold futures trading reflects the quickening pace of the development of Shanghai as an international financial center.
Stock index futures as a new financial derivatives trading tool receives many countries' affection by it's various aspects merit.
Meanwhile, the scale of the foreign exchange market trading has been far more than the stock, futures and other financial products markets, become the largest financial market.
WHEN Gary Gensler was named late last year to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the financial industry may have thought him an ally.
去年底当加里·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)被提名领导商品期货委员会(CFTC)时,金融业也许将其视为一位盟友。
Article 67 the futures company shall set up the system regarding the trading backup, the settlement and the financial data.
Article 67 the futures company shall set up the system regarding the trading backup, the settlement and the financial data.