The contents include investigating mass condition, following the peoples will, collecting public wisdom, cherishing financial resources of the people and profiting the common people.
Some of Jyothi's customers are among the 250 families in South Africa, India and Bangladesh whose financial transactions over a year were recorded to study how very poor people manage their resources.
This mission statement targets at achieving sustainable performance levels in resource mobilisation and management of public financial and resources for the benefit of the people of Zambia.
A lot of people in the financial community are annoyed by them because these regulations are costly to comply with and they take a lot of resources.
The happy effect of the new moon in the area of your chart that deals with the financial resources of other people will probably light your way to a decent line of credit or an opportune windfall!
Achieve rational allocation of people, financial, and material resources. Create social value in the tougher competitive environment.
They consisted of numerous people and possessed abundant financial resources, thus making a notable impact on the economy of the cities in South China.
They consisted of numerous people and possessed abundant financial resources, thus making a notable impact on the economy of the cities in South China.