It is difficult to see how the cycle of austerity, economic contraction, contagion, and financial retrenchment can be broken without the promise of substantial ECB support for sovereign debts.
This kind of understanding has great significance in solving many problems in educational practice for our nation under the background of the current global education financial retrenchment.
Not with the financial system in virtual lockdown, and much of the world in a similar state of retrenchment, shrinking demand for American goods and services.
Between then and now, however, to avoid severe retrenchment Banks and other financial intermediaries will need the support that only the substitution of sovereign credit for private credit can bestow.
Eroding consumer confidence was a hallmark of the Asian financial crisis that began in 1997, when falling currency values contributed to painful economic retrenchment in many countries.
Eroding consumer confidence was a hallmark of the Asian financial crisis that began in 1997, when falling currency values contributed to painful economic retrenchment in many countries.