Buy a policy only from an insurance company that is financially sound.
It is important to buy insurance from companies that are financially sound and that are represented by honest, well-trained agents.
It is important to buy the insurance from companies that are financially sound and that are represented by honest, well-trained agents.
While those who are financially sound were terrified what a bad divorce could do to them.
The solvency of the primary insurer can be threatened if the reinsurer is not financially sound.
Sometimes you are financially sound and sometimes you need money for meeting your financial demands.
The majority of private programs for vacation, study or work abroad are reputable and financially sound.
Mr Campbell has inherited a well run, financially sound institution. Emily Rafferty, its president, is a gifted fund-raiser.
Or look at the catastrophic effects of bundling unacceptable real estate risk into something that, to the less data-savvy, appeared to be financially sound mutual funds.
Once you are confident you have achieved a business process model that is functionally and financially sound, the it professionals can implement it on a computing platform.
The collapse of the auction-rate security market doesn't reflect newly discovered problems with the borrowers: the Port Authority is as financially sound today as it was a month ago.
The Borrower shall maintain insurances on its property, with financially sound and reputable insurers, to the extent and against the risks customary for companies in similar business.
Though it might sound cliche, young people are our future indeed, and helping out in schools that are struggling financially can make a big difference in a young person's life.
All agree, though, that Kiyosaki is sound on the need to shake off a fearful, conservative mindset in order to make it big financially.
Sound a term used to describe something that is in good condition, financially strong and reliable.
Sound a term used to describe something that is in good condition, financially strong and reliable.