Dr. Williams suggested a solution: give the plants more light, as plants also use sunlight to find their way.
Once we detected a planet, we would have to find a way of blotting out the light from its star, so that we would be able to 'see' the planet properly and analyze its atmosphere.
Once we detected a planet, we would have to find a way of blotting out the light from its star.
A star is a person who shines so brightly, who gives their gifts so fully, who loves so completely that everyone is drawn by the light of this star to find the way home.
Then it's the time for me to re-define my career way in my life, then I choose leaving here to find a more light prospect!
Perhaps they will find a fulfilling way to dance by the light of the moon.
Stingy Jack pleaded with the Devil to at least provide him with a light to help find his way.
We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty, light and promise. Nobody's perfect but we can find perfect ness in them to change the way we see them.
We have a wonderful world that is full of beauty, light and promise. Nobody's perfect but we can find perfect ness in them to change the way we see them.