"I think you find guys are capable of stepping in and getting the job done, which is why people are so upset when we are healthy and they can't get a chance," Fisher said.
Few guys would be happy to return from the bar to find their girlfriend's evening dress covered by another guy's jacket.
Mr. Ward is one of those guys that you'll meet once in your lifetime and never find anyone else even remotely close to him in lifestyle, personality, or appearance.
These guys can find fault in anything you do.
Maybe I could find a butch straight girl —someone with short hair, androgynous features and a fondness for guys’ clothing. Was that the trick?
Maybe I could find a butch straight girl - someone with short hair, androgynous features and a fondness for guys' clothing. Was that the trick?
Men have the uncanny ability to find nearly anything humorous. Funny is funny, and whether the joke is appropriate or not doesn't matter to most guys.
I suspect that if the cops started hassling all the well-nourished bald guys with chin whiskers, I might soon find this tiresome.
Some guys may find these teapot-looking remedies a tad bizarre, but they're astonishingly effective at reducing sinus pressure and flushing out your nasal passages.
And, if you want to find what goes in a given slot here, then you just look to its left and you look above it, and you do the dot product between these guys.
And that's one of the things you don't quite find in a company. Sales guys are interested in selling product, you know, and engineers are interested in designing it.
Guys, we have to find a way to work.Why should we.
To find the surface element together with a normal vector, I would just take the cross-product between these guys.
"These guys who are hunting Bigfoot are out chasing a monster," he added. "I could see the real appeal in going out for weekend and never knowing what you might find."
Tonight, I was trying to pick my spots, trying to find open guys, which coach (Rick) Adelman told me before summer league I need to work.
Unlike the guys in the raft, we had an emergency locator beacon so the Coast Guard could find us.
He added: "We are also getting taller ever year, and guys are not only getting bigger but they are also coming in different shapes which makes it harder for them to find clothes that fit.
After all, the big guys know how to find their tax breaks; it's time you did, too.
Have you ever tried parachute jumping? Whether your answer yes or no, you will find it interesting to see these guys trembling with fear!
Q: How did Al Gore find you guys?
Those guys maybe find themselves needing a power nap around 2 in the afternoon.
Smart girls graduate from high school with straight A’s, go to college, and find themselves surrounded by guys who’ve been hacking for 10 years.
RON Baron: you're trying to find someone who you think is — so, when you're a kid and you're growing up and you're in school, you look around the classroom and you say, "I like those guys."
A lot of guys always have this one girl on facebook or myspace that they are trying to talk to. But just can't seem to find a nice opener to start things out with.
Guys, we have to find a way to work. Why should we be ignored by the others?
Mike: Let's come back to reality. You can find many good guys around you.
Hey, guys! We draw these lovely pictures. Do you like them? And there is a letter hiding in each picture. Can you find them?
Hey, guys! We draw these lovely pictures. Do you like them? And there is a letter hiding in each picture. Can you find them?