In recent years, the SBI test has become a standard requirement in Europe for the fire and smoke behaviour of building components.
In addition, for the safety estimation and repairing after a fire, the behaviour of restrained beams subjected to temperature descending needs studying.
Preventive fire protection in railway vehicles; part 2: fire behaviour and fire side effects of materials and parts, classification, requirement and test methods.
There are great differences in the mechanical behaviour of the RC members that have different surfaces heated under fire.
It explicated family behaviour in fire through human crowd behaviour and explained the family behaviour in the point of sociological and psychological views.
The determination of mechanical behaviour of structural steel at high temperatures is of particular importance for fire resistant analysis of steel structures.
NFC32-070 Insulated conductors and cables for installation-Classification tests on conductors and cables with regard to fire behaviour.
DIN5510-2: preventive fire protect in railway vehicle parts 2: fire behaviour and fireside effects of material and parts-Classification, requirements and test methods.
DIN5510 -2:铁路车辆防止燃烧-第2部分:材料和构件的燃烧特性和燃烧并发现象-分类、要求和测试方法。
NF C 32-070: Insulated conductors and cables for installation-Classification tests on conductors and cables with regard to fire behaviour.
NFC32-070: 用于安装的绝缘导体和电缆-依据燃烧特点有关导体和电缆分类试验。
The fire resistance behaviour and design of CFST columns are one of the key issues in practice due to the steel tube being exposed to air.
Part 2: fire behaviour and fire side effects of materials and parts, classification, requirement and test methods.
UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits.
UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits.