The system consists of concentrating fire alarm device and regional fire alarm device. It is characterized as simply structure, working reliable, function powerful, price cheap and practical.
Describes the composition and running modes of the smoke control and exhaust system, including the fire ventilation system at stations and in the tunnel, and the fire alarm and device control system.
This device analyses information from fire alarm controller through CAN Bus, and displays occurent fire addresses and alarm types on Chinese LCD module dynamically and in real time.
The structure and function of electric fire monitor and alarm detector and electric fire monitoring device were introduced in detail.
The manual fire alarm buttons are an important part of a fire alarm system; particularly in petrochemical plant area, it is even a major device of fire alarm at site.
The nonvolatile data memory, real-time clock, and watchdog functions of FM31256 chip were adopted by region fire alarm and control device to improve the system reliability.
在区域火灾报警控制器中,FM 31256芯片的非易失性数据存储器、实时时钟、看门狗等功能,增强系统可靠性。
The paper introduces a kind of fire alarm system with 8031 monolithic device as its core.
The research meaning, the research content and the technic performances of the fire accident alarm device for DF11 locomotive are described.
介绍DF _(11)型机车防火检测报警仪研制意义,主要研制内容和技术性能。
An automatic fire - alarm system becomes more and more necessary device used in high building.
The exit device can also be integrated into a facility's alarm system to enable immediate egress in the event of a fire or other emergency.
The fire extinguishing gas spray device has an annunciator (53) that issues an alarm based on a fire occurrence signal or an earthquake occurrence signal from a disaster alarm device.
The fire extinguishing gas spray device has an annunciator (53) that issues an alarm based on a fire occurrence signal or an earthquake occurrence signal from a disaster alarm device.