Exploding arrow(Fire arrow Multiple shot) You can use a full round action to enchant and fire one normal arrow as an exploding arrow.
With your incredible drawpower, each arrow you fire can penetrate even the thickest armor or carapace. Also increases the size of your quiver.
In case of fire, please follow the direction of arrow and take the nearest staircase.
The little green men to a door run, mark on one side of the arrow, this is tell everyone in the direction of emergency exit, to tell the baby once encountered fire, to the arrow direction to run.
Elemental damage: Improves the Arcane, Fire, Frost, Nature or Shadow damage of abilities like traps, Black Arrow and Explosive Shot.
Elemental damage: Improves the Arcane, Fire, Frost, Nature or Shadow damage of abilities like traps, Black Arrow and Explosive Shot.