The research achievements can provide referenced basis for both the development of spray heads and the design and installment of water mist fire suppression systems in the future.
And the base of support is that all started with mind. In the beginning was nothing—a fire mist.
The pods will be soundproofed and will have water mist fire prevention systems similar to those used in Eurostar trains.
Water droplets are involved into flame region by momentum and entrainment primarily to suppress or extinguish fire in the process of interaction between water mist and flame.
In the interaction of water mist and the flame, water droplets are involved into flame region mainly by momentum and water mist entrainment so as to suppress and extinguish fire.
The paper is telling about the research of the high pressure water mist nozzle used in the Marine fire field, the aim is to explore high pressure water mist nozzle suitable for Marine field.
A water mist fire suppression system driven by water hydraulic piston pump is developed and the water hydraulic parts are successfully applied in fire-fighting field.
In experiments of varied conditions, it is found that volatility of fuel and characteristics of water mist determine the degree of fire intensification.
In experiments of varied conditions, it is found that volatility of fuel and characteristics of water mist determine the degree of fire intensification.