We can see the fire in the sky.
Notes:This quest was entitled "Fire in the Sky" in beta.
At the same time, prohibit the publication of the words in the small town library explosion fire in the sky, Ellen appeared in front of Herod.
The mender of roads, and two hundred and fifty particular friends, stood with folded arms at the fountain, looking at the pillar of fire in the sky.
The early morning sun was a blinding ball of fire in the sky, and the hot air shimmered as it rose off the long queue of fuel trucks that snaked the curve and disappeared over the rise beyond.
The globe on fire, the earth in blood and forgotten my peaceful evening by dint of itching, fighting, hunting, scanning the ceiling and the starry sky!
Its theme was "fire"; at night the sky over Xichang was as bright as that in the day with the light fire.
Prometheus said that man should have Zeus's wonderful flower of fire, which shone so brightly in the sky.
This beautiful fish had red markings as bright and warm as a fire in the winter. Its eyes were as shiny as stars in the sky.
He proved it.” Sitting in a slaughterhouse as the sky rained fire, his life proved by a joke, Mr Vonnegut found the path that would define him for the rest of his life.
FIRE FROM THE SKY: This false-color, short-wavelength infrared image of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano's smaller eruption in March shows the power ofthis glacier-covered volcano.
来自天空的火:这是一张3月的一次较小的艾雅法拉火山喷发的失真短波红外照片。 这展示了这个被掩盖在冰川之下的火山的力量。
Prometheus said that man should accept Zeus's admirable breezeer of fire, which shone so blithely in the sky.
You are not very lonely? It lavished on the mountain azalea sky, put it into the fire of youth in the world bar!
A massive fire destroys warehouses in Knoxville, Tennessee and injures three firefighters. The blaze sent flames and smoke spiraling into the sky over downtown Knoxville, raining down embers.
A stove appeared in the sky, its bricks glowing a brilliant red in the fire.
The five elements of nature, including the sea, forest, fire, earth and sky are found in the mascot's origins and headpieces.
But when he returned to the party he found them seated by a fire — for the air had grown strangely chill and the sky overcast — in apparent ly amicable conversation.
I hope this building, like a sunset mackerel sky, will make people on this Fire Street feel "auspicious" on the way to Yoyogi Gymnasium, an Olympic site in 2020.
Many struggled in vain to escape the inferno that reduced the trains to metal skeletons and sent black, acrid smoke belching into the sky for hours after the fire started.
Every year the time hole master lake can hold the smoke and fire congress in the summer, surpasses 500 smoke and fires in the sky discharge.
She saw them now as stars in the sky: one of them fell down, forming a long line of fire.
How do we know, for instance, that the stars, which look like tiny pinpricks in the sky, are really huge balls of fire like the sun and are very far away?
And then fire shot down from the sky in bolts like shining blades of a knife.
Soon the sun is setting; the sea turns wine-dark and the sky looks like it has been smeared in fire and honey.
Soon the sun is setting; the sea turns wine-dark and the sky looks like it has been smeared in fire and honey.