BPFLD-X is a range of flat absorbers consisting of a single of polyurethane foam with a dielectric carbon solution, a binder and a fire retardant.
BPFLD - X型吸波材料是一种平板状的聚氨酯泡沫吸波材料,采用优质聚氨酯泡沫经过浸碳工艺生产而生,具有良好的电磁波吸收性能及防火性能。
The results showed that : there were five stages in the rising process of the internal temperature of untreated, fire - retardant solution soaked, and fire - proof paint coated wood during the fire ;
The results showed that : there were five stages in the rising process of the internal temperature of untreated, fire - retardant solution soaked, and fire - proof paint coated wood during the fire ;