In Firefox 2.0, the browser ignores the stylesheet PI and USES a custom Firefox view, shown in Figure 1 (a screen capture of Firefox on Mac OS x).
在Firefox 2.0中,浏览器忽略该样式表pi并使用定制的Firefox视图查看,如图1所示(Firefox2.0.0.6、MacOS x平台上的屏幕截图)。
For example an OS that simply booted up the computer, connected to the Internet, and then opened Firefox.
A lightweight Linux distro is a possibility. For example an OS that simply booted up the computer, connected to the Internet, and then opened Firefox.
Firefox is the popular Web browser available on Windows, Mac OS x, Linux, and other platforms.
Firefox is a popular Web browser available on Windows, Mac OS x, Linux, and other platforms. It is based on Mozilla's rendering engine.
Firefox is a popular Web browser available on Windows, Mac OS x, Linux, and other platforms.
You know the version of the OS (10.5), of the HTML rendering engine (Gecko), and the actual browser (Firefox). Listing 17 shows some other common user-agent strings.
对于OS (10.5)、HTML呈现引擎(Gecko)、和真实浏览器(Firefox)的版本,您已经很熟悉了。
You know the version of the OS (10.5), of the HTML rendering engine (Gecko), and the actual browser (Firefox). Listing 17 shows some other common user-agent strings.
对于OS (10.5)、HTML呈现引擎(Gecko)、和真实浏览器(Firefox)的版本,您已经很熟悉了。