The company, which reports third-quarter earnings on July 20, sold 1.7 million of its latest iteration in the first three days.
Use the first eleven days of the month, from July 1 to 11, for improving health matters, but also for completing projects that require study and concentration.
First, if you were born on or within five days of July 7, you will feel the July 7 eclipse more than your friends who have other Cancer birthdays.
In the first 10 days of July alone, the number of hikers who passed the Yoshida Gate - a popular path to the peak - jumped 50 percent over the same period last year.
A Rainstorm Black Warning was issued on July 1 and Rainstorm red Warnings were required on the first three days of the month.
After several days of evaluation and conclusion, Korean Air announced on July 19 selected results, check-in charge of Shao Wei in the six months to obtain a first evaluation.
After several days of evaluation and conclusion, Korean Air announced on July 19 selected results, check-in charge of Shao Wei in the six months to obtain a first evaluation.