Nickel: slightly steadier. Value fluctuate lower during the first half of the week on the London.
Your intuition is strong during the first half of the week, and you should be able to read people with great ease.
Stockmarkets took a further battering in the first half of the week. Some indices fell to their lowest levels for many years.
In fact, you really should try to go out as much as possible during the first half of the week with the intention of finding the laughter & good times.
Within the first month, one quarter to one half of all deaths occur within the first 24 hours of life, and 75% occur in the first week.
In fact, the latest budget figures released this week show that Germany's budget deficit for the first half of this year has doubled as compared to one year ago.
Last week, SJM reported relatively modest declines in gambling revenue in the first half of 2009, with its total slipping 4.3% and revenue from high-rollers falling 9.9%.
Energy efficiency was only 0.09 percent worse in the first half of this year than in the same period in 2009, according to statistics released last week.
This week the OECD forecast that Canada’s GDP would grow fasterthan any other G7 country during the first half of 2010.
Its larger rival Schlumberger Ltd. said last week it will cut up to 5, 000 jobs worldwide in the first half of 2009 and consider further reductions this spring.
In the first half of this article, I explained how Mylyn's task management facilities make it easy to focus on tasks relevant to a given day or week.
She was not expected to live a week and underwent 5 heart operations in her first year of life. Despite spending more than half her life in hospital, the teen is just a year behind at school.
This week the OECD forecast that Canada's GDP would grow faster than any other G7 country during the first half of 2010.
Almost one in five workers spend their entire monthly salary in the first week. And almost half run out of money before pay day.
Almost one in five workers spend their entire monthly salary in the first week. And almost half run out of money before pay day.
Stockmarkets around the world endured another joyless week, capping a gloomy first half of the year for investors.
Italy had already announced last week that it slipped back into recession in the first half of this year.
The weeks half weeks steel prices fell sharply to the second week in Beijing, Shanghai, hangzhou, the reason of the first market, market rebounded slightly better overall trends.
There is a problem set approximately once a week for the first half of the course.
That's where we failed in the first game last week, especially in the first half and of course the heart of the battle will be won in midfield.
That's the first half of your week.
The cycles have been calling for a medium term low in the euro during the first half of this week with the most likely time being late trading on Tuesday or early trading on Wednesday.
Listed companies' profits grew less than half as fast in the first half of 2008 as they did a year earlier, the Shanghai Securities News reported last week.
Listed companies' profits grew less than half as fast in the first half of 2008 as they did a year earlier, the Shanghai Securities News reported last week.