The first milk secreted by a mammal, especially a cow, after parturition; colostrum.
Swiss person amounts to Niaier Peter to be made chocolate of the first milk, up to now full 120 years.
Beestings: also beastings, The first milk secreted by a mammal, especially a cow, after parturition; colostrum.
And that first milk from mothers, that contains something called colostrum, is an incredibly nutritious form of breast milk and it actually has a lot of immunity powers, as well.
Another is that mothers often doubt the value of colostrum, the first milk after childbirth (which is thick and yellowish and doesn't look much like milk), and delay nursing for a day or two.
First go and take a bath, while I go into the shed to get your milk.
It was one of the first diaries to bottle milk in opaque plastic, but now they're using clear plastic again.
However, at first only plain chocolate (a kind of chocolate without milk and with very little sugar) was produced.
First, let's dispel some common myths about raw milk.
You may bring me a little soup now, and some milk with a little port in it and — no; bring me a hand-mirror first, and then pack some pillows about me, and I will sit up and watch you cook.
We spent much of our first day walking beside the Dudh Kosi, known as the “river of milk” because glacier meltwater has turned it a lovely milky green colour.
The regulation of raw milk sales in the first half of the 20th century proved to be a major public health success in this country.
An Argentine laboratory announced that it had created the world's first transgenic cow, using human genes that will allow the animal to produce the equivalent of mothers' milk.
一个阿根廷的实验室宣布他们已经成功导入人类基因并培育出世界上第一头转基因奶牛。 导入的人类基因能够使奶牛产生含有人乳类似物的牛乳。
"And into beautiful milk from Mrs. Johnson's beautiful cow," Madge added. "To-morrow's the first of the month, you know."
Anke Domaske, 28, has developed a fabric called QMilch made from high concentrations of the milk protein casein — the first man-made fibre produced entirely without chemicals.
28岁的安科-杜马斯克用牛奶蛋白质的干酪素高度精华,研制出了一款名为Q Milch的布料。这是首款完全不含化学成分的人造纤维。
Mice in this case are the first line of experimentation — the scientists hope to then expand the research out into other animals that can produce milk in bulk, like goats and cows.
Fukuyama says he does not allow his children to drink milk in the first place, even before this incident or otherwise.
Carbohydrates were first named according to their natural sources; e.g., beet sugar, cane sugar, grape sugar, malt sugar, milk sugar, cornstarch, liver glycogen, and sweet corn glycogen.
Scientists first began studying the stress-busting qualities of milk over 20 years ago, spurredon by the observation that babies become calm and settled after feeding on milk.
For the first four days of the study, they all ate a fixed diet of cereal and milk in the morning and frozen entrees for lunch and dinner.
WHO recommends that all infants should be fed exclusively with breast milk for the first six months of life.
Apple juice can be the first choice for your healthy baby food after mother's milk, besides, you can choose one between white grape or pier juice.
In fact, most nutritionists are adamant that babies are best off with nothing but breast milk for the first six months of life (they used to recommend four months, but now say six months).
It is generally acknowledged within the medical community that breast milk is the ideal first food for babies, though modern formula brands can get the job done, too.
I remember the first feeling was like a glass of milk in a fridge — sort of thinking why is it so cold?
At first, they live only on milk from their mother. By three weeks of age, they start eating meat.
At the first one I said that I had a baby at home that needed to be fed and asked to be allowed to buy some milk powder.
First, we need eggs, milk, and bread.
First, we need eggs, milk, and bread.