That sum is enough to buy a bowl of fish-ball noodles every night, for almost three years.
Of course, you can't throw a ball and watch the fish fetch it, like you can with a cat or a dog, but fish are great for young kids.
What did the Cinderella fish wear to the ball? Glass flippers.
Stuffed fish ball is one of the characteristic delicacies among the colloid products of minced fish.
Sliced pork, sliced chicken, Beef Ball, Fish Ball.
The whole ball with tai chi Yin and Yang fish design.
Rolling material support ball is set, to minimize fish tail with sheet bar and to reduce frictional resistance.
Besides, athletes' service, receiving, attacks near the net and fish dives to save the ball all are full of poetic charms.
According to police the person in the scene, the fire burning in the farms where the central area of the fire area to do a fish ball stall.
He set out to get a fish dinner, and instead, he seems to be playing a ball game.
Qixing fish is a packet heart ball, originated in the early Qing Dynasty.
Back Tiger Shrimp, Trout Salad Sauce, Ground Trout, Salads, Fish Ball.
Black Tiger Shrimp, Trout Salad Sauce, Ground Trout, Salads, Fish Ball.
Rice, Scramble egg with tomato, Fried mushroom with broccoli, Fish ball soup with seaweed, Orange.
Add the tamarind water, sugar, prawns, fish ball and fish sauce. Turn down the heat and simmer.
Sometimes i am a philosopher, a sage. sometimes a jerk, sometimes a cold fish , sometimes a ball of fire.
Pork Ball, Fish Ball, Egg Dumpling, Crab Meat, Fish Cake, and vegetables.
The utility model can be widely used for the manufacture and use of the floating ball of fish gear, and has obvious effect of wear resistance.
This paper introduced the processing technology of ginkgo fish ball and health function of ginkgo. By experiments it could be concluded that 6% ginkgo was the optimum proportion of ginkgo fish ball.
Use the characteristic such as being high efficient process pork pill, beef pill, ideal equipment of the fish ball , ask oneself that was welcomed deeply by users since generation.
高效省电等特点,是加工猪肉丸、牛肉丸、鱼丸之理想设备, 自问世以来深受用户欢迎。
Initially, the sinseh herbal concoction seemed to work but I had to adopt a very strict daily diet and if I just ate a simple fish ball noodle, my readings went up again;
Initially, the sinseh herbal concoction seemed to work but I had to adopt a very strict daily diet and if I just ate a simple fish ball noodle, my readings went up again;