The average five-year survival rate for a range of childhood cancers increased from 58 percent to 81 percent between 1975 and 2005, according to statistics from the National cancer Institute.
The five-year survival [rate] was about 92 percent, regardless of which operation [they had].
Because these people live to age 75, the five-year survival rate is 100 percent.
When breast cancer is detected early, the five-year survival rate is 98 percent.
The five-year survival rate, a key indicator for cancer remission, is less than 25 percent among Chinese patients. In western countries, the number is 68.
The American cancer Society says the five-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer patients is about 5 percent.
The average survival rate ranges from less than a year for the most advanced cancers to about five years for slower growing tumors.
The five-year survival rate was about 92 percent. regardless of which operation they had.
As well, women are surviving longer: the five-year survival rate is now 86%, meaning that of all the women diagnosed with breast cancer today, 86 out of every 100 will be alive five years from now.
Once the cancer has spread to nearby organs or lymph nodes, the five-year relative survival rate decreases dramatically.
The five-year survival rate for melanoma is about 98 percent if detected early but can be as low as 15 percent when detected at an advanced stage.
The five-year relative survival rate for people whose colorectal cancer is treated in an early stage is greater than 90 percent.
Each five-year survival rate after surgery varies depending on the nature of cancer and may be found sooner or later.
With current therapies of OS, such as extensive surgical excision, radiotherapy and neoadjuvant chemotherapy, five-year survival rate has increased up to 50%-60%.
With current therapies of OS, such as extensive surgical excision, radiotherapy and neoadjuvant chemotherapy, five-year survival rate has increased up to 50%-60%.