The flip side of the lack of confidence in stocks is an overextended bull market in fixed-income securities, Buffett said.
China has long applied stringent controls. On October 4th Brazil doubled a tax it charges foreigners on investments in fixed-income securities to 4%.
All these activities have promoted strong inflows into US Treasuries and other fixed-income securities, but it's difficult to gauge how strong their influence has been on US yields.
The characteristics of life insurance liability determine that life insurer's asset allocation is dominated by fixed-income securities with a consideration of asset liability matching management.
Hoping to retain their affluent lifestyle, wealthy investors have been stocking up on low-interest Treasury bills and other fixed-income securities, shielding themselves against risk of inflation.
Rules governing the fixed income securities that banks and institutional investors can hold, and in what amounts, rely on credit ratings.
The surprise circumstance in 2011 May be lower rates as US Treasuries and fixed income securities rally in the midst of growing uncertainty.
"Collateralized Debt Obligations" are securities based upon a portfolio of fixed income-producing assets, such as home mortgages.
'You've already had a scramble to close out the short positions,' said Gary Jenkins, head of fixed-income research at Evolution Securities in London.
伦敦益华证券(Evolution Securities)固定收益研究负责人詹金斯(Gary Jenkins)表示,市场已经出现过一次结清空头头寸的热潮。
Fixed income securities or bonds that are callable may be priced to their yield to call.
The securities industry has generated bumper profits in the last few years, benefiting from strong revenues in fixed income, currency and commodity markets.
The securities industry has generated bumper profits in the last few years, benefiting from strong revenues in fixed income, currency and commodity markets.