Many restaurants offer fixed-price menus.
Willingness of vendors to offer fixed-price contracts or dual-currency pricing.
Everyone loves a bargain, as those restaurant chains which offer you special "all you can eat" deals for a fixed price know all too well.
The company will shortly be taking orders for UMTS handsets, and intends to offer fixed-price tariffs for virtually unlimited wireless Internet access, video conferencing and conventional voice calls.
这家公司不久将接受UM TS手机订单,并计划对其提供的几乎没有限制的无线互联网接入、可视电话、以及传统的语音呼叫收取固定价格的费用。
Project management costs adopt the mode of comprehensive unit price of fixed labor days and provisional total price offer in the light of working range.
The exporter often promises in a firm offer to supply certain quantity of goods at a fixed price within a stated period of time.
The exporter often promises in a firm offer to supply certain quantity of goods at a fixed price within a stated period of time.