Being rational gets you a fixed salary the 30th of every month.
For example, a production worker may be paid a fixed salary (the fixed element) and a bonus based on output (the variable element).
The incentives facing doctors are even more perverse. Most doctors are not paid a fixed salary, still less rewarded for better health outcomes.
Some club owners pay a fixed salary, but expect you to be at their club for a certain amount of hours per week (including mostly all announced events at the club, to get a "full house").
According to the contract theory, accountants of the enterprise are just laborers, who receive a fixed salary as stipulated by the contract and are supervised by the leaders in the work unit.
The possibility of earning a fixed salary in a factory or office was more attractive than the possibility of staying on the farm and having one's work destroyed by frost, storms, or droughts.
在工厂或机关工作就可能赚得固定的工资,在农场,自己的劳动就很可能毁于霜 冻、暴风雨和干旱。
The salary will be fixed according to qualifications and experience.
Only if the sum saved is fixed and insured by means of mortgage debt or deduction of salary, most of them can balance their income and expenses.
You may have a salary range in mind. I, too, have no fixed amount in mind. I am open to negotiation.
Fixed basic salary, allowance for the exhibition industry, service allowance, year-end bonuses and other bonuses.
The company provides you a fixed monthly salary and performance based incentives.
The company provides you a fixed monthly salary and performance based incentives.