In the paper, spear lag of beam plated construction and effective distribution width of flange plate are analysed through model test and research. It provides a reference in design.
In the analysis and design of steel-concrete composite beams, the concept of effective flange width is introduced to consider the impact of shear lag.
The calculation and analysis showed that the main reason for the flange leakage resulted from the inadequate width of the gasket.
We put the concrete flange plate of the composite beam into the steel ones according to the elastic modulus ratio and keep the width of section unchanged, as a result, get a equivalent section.
Flange width has changed by strengthening the compression flange and strengthening the tensile flange.
In this paper, for the thin walled linear strengthened steel box beam, the strength and valid width ratio of flange is investigated under the condition of elastoplastic limit state.
At the theories part, this paper studies the flange plate effective width of composite truss.
The research shows that the elongation ratio between flange and webandthe width of flange had significant effects onthe metal flow.
The research shows that the elongation ratio between flange and webandthe width of flange had significant effects onthe metal flow.