The river slows on the flat bottom.
Flat bottom with protective metal feet.
Flat bottom with feet to protect bag when set down.
Most flat bottom basket shaped paper filters need a fine grind.
These boats offer flat bottom, good stability and very low weight.
A common type of junk mill with a flat bottom used in fishing operations.
The dustpan has a flat bottom with shaped lip for efficient dust collection.
Flat bottom shoe, wooden bottom shoe and light slippers already were heat no longer.
The model is fabricated by aluminum plates, with sharp bow, square stern, flat bottom and open deck.
We cleaned 12 small size circular extractors, 12 flat bottom flasks, some collecting liquid bottle and burettes.
So engineers added details such as a gently sloping rear hatch, a flat bottom and small creases and fins that manage airflow.
Inclined LED array and flat bottom reflector for large-sized backlight system was proposed to obtain high brightness uniformity.
Flat bottom direct design prevents sundries from accumulating, which guarantees valve gate sealing performance for long time use.
Validity and feasibility of the finite difference time domain method is demonstrated by the echo-wave signal of a flat bottom hole block.
Including food touching surfaces such as hands, chopping boards, knives, containers, jars and flat bottom POTS, equipments, thermal meters etc.
This paper discusses the problem of the Magnetic flux leakage as to applied to atmospheric storage tank flat bottom tank floor corrosion inspection.
A wooden container with a large, flat bottom can absorb steam and moisture, allowing the rice grains to be springy or stainless steel container may be substituted.
To ensure allworking area has enough illumination (it was anti-explosion illumination insideof tank) to easy for working and inspecting, especially flat bottom in drydock.
The flat bottom gate provides full perimeter seating against the seat, eliminating pocket in the bottom of the seat that can trap process media and prevent the valve from fully closing.
This new type propeller which fit for various vessels such as tugboat, float lifting boat, excavating boat, ferry boat, flat bottom boat and so on has extensive market prospect and military purpose.
If the glass were kept hot enough, it would flow over the molten tin until the top surface was also flat, horizontal and perfectly parallel to the bottom surface.
A traditional flat-bottom boat sails off the island of Norröra in the Stockholm archipelago, where the holiday is celebrated best.
Well, for a hemisphere we would need to add maybe the flat face of a bottom or something like that.
On the supply side (chart 2, bottom panel), the main source of new gold-what is dug out of the world's goldmines-has been flat or declining.
The test consists of placing the bottom of a foot in water, then stepping on a paper bag or some other object that will show how high or flat a person's arch is.
In the video, the woman, wearing pink, is seen pushing her trolley down a flat escalator. She reaches the bottom and calmly pushes it off before walking ahead.
The flat wings shown on the bottom symbolize steadiness decency and faithfulness. the entire motif suggests surmounting soaring peacefulness and the upbeat and blessed future.
The flat wings shown on the bottom symbolize steadiness decency and faithfulness. the entire motif suggests surmounting soaring peacefulness and the upbeat and blessed future.