One flat can accommodate a family of five.
In another few hours the devilfish would have a "flat can" no battery juice left.
A production process by which an alkali-free glass reduced in bubble inclusion and highly homogeneous and flat can be obtained.
The flat can accept the information input by the equipment such as mouse, and keyboard; and based on the internal data, display the radar image neatly and conveniently.
The Uyuni Salt Flat can be visited all year long-even though the majority of the tour operators in the area strongly recommend the dry season of the year between April and October.
Tortillas are usually flat and round, but they can also be made into other shapes.
Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it's flat, firm and dry.
One vehicle with a flat tyre can bring the motorway to a standstill.
Acrylic paints can be used to create large, flat blocks of colour.
Conversely, flat sharing can be very cheap and there will always be someone to talk to and go out with, and the chores, in theory, can be shared.
Morpher can be folded almost completely flat, making it easier to carry.
It is just as strong as traditional helmets, but it can be folded almost completely flat, making it easier to carry.
The material typically used for the pages was parchment, which is animal skin that's stretched and dried under tension, so it become s really flat and can be written on.
A pitcher or a flytrap cannot carry out much photosynthesis because, unlike plants with ordinary leaves, they do not have flat solar panels that can grab lots of sunlight.
The same disadvantages can apply to flat sharing, with the added difficulties that arise from deciding who pays for what, and in what proportion.
She injured her spine in a fall and a doctor told her to lie flat on her back for a month so it can mend.
This can be most important when you share walls, floors or ceilings with neighbors in a flat.
But prices have now fallen so far that buyers can skip the flat and go straight to a family home.
Buy this flat screen TV so you can distract yourself from the fact that you really don’t like what you do for a living.
买了这瓶速易洁,你的问题统统都能解决! 买了这台平板电视,你就可以挣脱你讨厌这样活着的事实。
Data in flat files can come in many different formats, such as the previously discussed XML and CSV formats.
This is another question you can ask flat out of each person you speak with during your interview.
In the first case the flat charge can apply to either claim as a whole or each suffix of the claim separately.
Although comfortable, flat shoes can cause severe foot pain, bunions, shooting pains in the shins, back aches and even arthritis.
Dictionaries can be created manually, or the entries can be imported from flat files, database tables, or other dictionaries.
Paired with flat boots, a miniskirt can be chic and understated.
You can export this statistical information from Lotus Domino to a flat file that you can load into either a database or spreadsheet.
And because the world is I quote flat, you can easily, no matter where you are, access these people and these spikes.
So, you can get the mass of a flat object with density.
You can toggle between the hierarchical and flat presentation styles.
Also known as flat feet, the problem can be remedied by wearing a high heel as these shoes force the foot into an arched position.