A Taiwanese shop worker dubbed Little Fatty told of his shock Thursday at becoming a Susan Boyle-like overnight Internet sensation after a flawless Whitney Houston rendition on a TV talent quest.
在日 前的一档电视选秀节目中,台湾一名被称为“小胖”的商店职员因完美演绎了一首惠特尼•休斯顿的歌曲一夜间走红网络,被称为男版苏珊·博伊尔。
A Taiwanese shop worker dubbed Little Fatty told of his shock Thursday at becoming a Susan Boyle-like overnight Internet sensation after a flawless Whitney Houston rendition on a TV talent quest.
在日 前的一档电视选秀节目中,台湾一名被称为“小胖”的商店职员因完美演绎了一首惠特尼•休斯顿的歌曲一夜间走红网络,被称为男版苏珊·博伊尔。