As you can see, the script package concept was designed to be generic and flexible, and puts no limit on what you can do with script packages.
The import tool from the ImageMagick package is quite flexible and is able to generate a large number of file formats.
It's simple material, make convenient, taste, eat and flexible chewy, there are many dishes, as staple food package, Fried bread alone.
The significance of package space research lies in breaking through fixed traditional package design thinking, making converse flexible associations and creations through uncertain shape.
Most of our products have flexible package and cooling options.
Depending on the complexity of the production process, production Orders can be expanded into a complete and flexible ERP package.
Then a flexible compruter package GFSTESIM was developed for use of simulation of closed circuit flotation flowsheet including regrinding in laboratory.
The change of the gases composition and pressure in rigid package and the change of the volume and pressure in flexible package were analyzed.
Gentoo package management is designed to be modular, portable, easy to maintain, flexible, and optimized for the user's machine.
Based on gravure printing and flexible printing, this paper discuses the requirement of flexible printing and gravure printing for package original manuscript.
Using wild bamboo shoots as the materials, the processing technology and key procedure of wild bamboo shoots'products in flexible package were studied in this paper.
A semiconductor package substrate for preventing deformation mainly comprises a flexible dielectric layer, a plurality of pins, at least one reinforced metal pattern and a solder mask layer.
Snort rule is a simple and lightweight description language which can detect the data package for intrusion in the network. It provides a simple and flexible method to describe intrusion activity.
The flexible package fresh bamboo shoot prepared with the invention improves the economy of bamboo shoots and is suitable for diversifying consumer demand at present.
The flexible package fresh bamboo shoot prepared with the invention improves the economy of bamboo shoots and is suitable for diversifying consumer demand at present.