The administration is trying to stem the flood of refugees out of Haiti and into Florida.
One woman ran out to find us after opening her box, tears rolling down her face. "I collected bunny rabbits, and I lost them all in the flood."
Without that, funds risk being raised by diverting future spending away from essential services in poor countries -taking money to build flood defences out of budgets to build schools and hospitals.
Said to be one of the safest houses in the world; fire, flood, termite resistant, and aesthetically repellant-the spiny roof and bug-eyed Windows are sure to keep burglars out!
When the river was allowed to flood over its Banks every year, some of the muck that spilled out remained, creating more and higher land nearby.
The flood washed out the road.
This morning, moreover, he had gone out to see if the damage to the hay by the flood was considerable or not.
Alcohol can inhibit the more thoughtful functioning and allow anger to flood out.
Faced with a flood of redemption requests in 2008 by investors who needed liquidity or simply wanted out, Cerberus suspended withdrawals.
Once the attack begins, websites can try to trace the sudden flood of traffic back to the source computer and filter it out, but even that's a complex process.
That's important because consumers are likely to drift away if conversations Peter out or if they feel that their voices are lost in a chaotic flood of comments.
Neurons fire when electrically charged atoms – ions – flood in and out of them, creating a tiny electric potential across their membranes.
Their relationship went official when Chen carried Fan on his back out of her home during a flood.
But they may not be able to stem the flood of illicit gems pouring out of Zimbabwe, to be snapped up in Bahrain, China, India and Lebanon, among others.
Whenever confronted with a task w hich seemed too hard to be dealt with, he would stretch out on his laboratory sofa and let fantasies flood his mind.
The server allocates resources for the connections upon receipt of the SYN, then under a flood of SYN packets, eventually runs out and is unable to service new requests.
My eyes were often full of tears ( I could not tell why) and at times a flood from my heart seemed to pour itself out into my bosom.
There are no signs yet of a flood of household deposits out of the banking sector into other markets.
At the height of the flood, engineers feared a bridge on the Pawtuxet was going to collapse, taking with it a nearby dam, which in turn could have taken out another dam.
Take 10 minutes out to lie on your bed and flood your body with consciousness.
But he came back and shouted the flood is here, you are going to die if you don't get out now.
My eyes were often full of tears (I could not tell why) and at times a flood from my heart seemed to pour itself out into my bosom.
But they were surprised, were they not, because the flood did come and wiped out that immense population.
The first is the bill for bailing out the financial sector; the second, the effect of climate change on the cost of energy, water, flood-prevention and the like.
Power is still out to many homes and businesses, and flood waters are just beginning to recede leaving behind massive damage and debris.
Power is still out to many homes and businesses, and flood waters are just beginning to recede leaving behind massive damage and debris.