SED recovery column reboiler temperature flow cascade control for steam condensate return.
A methodology is developed for modeling the novel nine-stage cross-flow cascade packed column by using the " number of transfer unit" technique.
A cavitation bubble in a cascade not only changes the flow field of the cascade, but also makes it difficult to calculate the flow field because of its unknown shape.
The mutiple-solution phenomenon of steady transonic flow about two-dimensional plane cascade using the Time-Marching method for the Euler equations is examined.
The flow field visualization of a straight HP turbine cascade is conducted in a large-scale low-speed open -loop cascade heat transfer wind tunnel.
The numerical flutter analysis system was formed by the three-dimensional numerical simulation of the vibrating cascade flow combined with the structural dynamics analysis of vibrating blade.
The flow field of straight HP turbine cascade was investigated experimentally in a large-scale low-speed open-loop cascade heat transfer wind tunnel.
An experiment was made in an annual cascade to explore the unsteady flow mechanism of skewed slot hub treatment in removing flow separation near hub.
This method is successfully applied on criticizing the holographic infinite interference diagram of the supersonic cascade flow field.
The present paper computed the viscous flow of S_1 flow surfaces in some transonic turbine vane cascade by using the computational software FLUENT.
According to the analysis of the power flow model of this transmission, the efficiency of this transmission is higher than that of the cascade system in vehicle.
Lots of time accurate simulations about cascade flow field with different axial gaps are made.
An inviscid-viscous interaction method based on the inviscid time marching computer code has been employed to calculate the transonic flow field of two dimensional cascade.
This paper describes an experiment to measure quantitatively and visually the flow around a plate cascade using PIV in a circulating water channel in CSSRC.
In this paper the effects of gland leakage on the secondary flow and outlet flow fields in the governing stage stator cascade of a 300mw turbine set are simulated numerically.
This paper focuses on the unsteady characteristic of cascade separation flow under off-design condition.
In the numerical analog of cascade flow, using body-fitted grids effectively is of great significance in improving computation accuracy and saving CPU time.
The procedure is used to calculate the incompressible and compressible turbulent flow of cascade.
The loss distribution and the span-wise variations of flow angle at the outlet section of a linear compressor cascade are presented in this paper.
Also be sure to cascade your headings. A main heading, for example, would be larger than subheadings. This effect creates a sense of emphasis and flow to the information.
When the case is moving, the second leakage on the tip of splitter happens more easier, but the flow on the cascade tip is improved.
Under high velocity flow conditions, cascade losses are mainly caused by radial drift of the boundary layer along the suction surface and by blade wakes.
The S1 stream surface and three-dimensional viscous and non-viscous calculation programs can be employed to verify and check cascade space flow passage performance.
After optimization, the flow field in cascade passage is effectively improved, and the performance of stage is improved obviously.
The eigenvalue method is presented for determining the effects of blade mistuning and blade-disk on cascade flutter boundaries in incompressible flow.
An experimental investigation of end wall flow control for pit-array cascade plate in a compressor cascade wind tunnel has been completed.
The nonlinear potential flow problem of the surpercavitating flat-plate cascade is solved by employing the wake model.
The unsteady flow in an oscillating cascade with propagating stall was simulated numerically with discrete vortex method.
The flow field and the temperature field in the turbine cascade were studied in view of experiment and computation.
The flow field and the temperature field in the turbine cascade were studied in view of experiment and computation.