The article introduces a method of flow measurement and control in a small-bore piping.
Brooks, headquartered in hatfield, pa, provides flow measurement and control devices to the low flow application market, and principally serves the chemical and semiconductor industries.
The precise measurement and real-time monitor of gas-solid flow parameters is important for the product's quality control, stability of industrial processes, also the balance of energy supply.
It consists of the following main parts: a constant pressure flowmeter, a calibration system, a flow inlet system, a measurement and control system.
The PLC is used in automatic pressure surge control, oil temperature control, product test control, and automatic measurement of pressure, flow, temperature, speed, torque, etc.
The system is suitable for the control and measurement of flow of noncorrosive liquid in the pipe.
In this paper, a kind of intelligent measuring-controlling unit which is applied to the measurement and control of steam pressure and flow is introduced.
Proficiency with methods of level, temperature, pressure and flow measurement is required, as well as knowledge relating to process control, and safety systems.
This paper reviews the work principle of the reactor for deposition temperature, pressure and gas flow control, and the measurement theory of the measurement devices.
Because the experimental conditions are limited, temporarily we are unable to give specific precision of the measurement and control module in flow measurement application.
The instruments for measurement of temperature, pressure, flow, level and concentration, control valves supplied for DCS and relative DCS used in sulphuric acid plants of China are described.
介绍目前我国硫酸装置DCS使用的温度、压力、流量、液位、 成分分析仪表和调节阀以及相关的DCS 系统。
The MSP430FW427 is used as control MCU. The function is realized by the SCAN IF module without IC circuit external, which improves the precision and sensitivity of flow measurement.
主控器采用目前国际上功耗最低的MSP430FW 427单片机,该单片机能够利用内部流量扫描模块(SCANIF)有效地转换振荡波形,不需要外部流量检测IC,提高测量的精度和灵敏度。
The flow visualization and measurement technology were used to study the flow separation, development of mass vortex and flow control mechanism of triplane at large angle of attack in a water tunnel.
Through the detection of flow, pressure and level, as well as the rotating speed control unit, the measurement and closed-loop control system is structured.
Through the detection of flow, pressure and level, as well as the rotating speed control unit, the measurement and closed-loop control system is structured.