In the intergranular spaces of rocks, however, fluid must flow around and between grains in a tortuous path; this winding path causes a resistance to flow.
This presents a tortuous flow path to ensure intimate contact of the impurities on the surfaces and within the pores of the carbon.
Also as dendrites solidify and shrink in volume replacement of melt must flow along a tortuous path of interleaving dendrites.
Results The proper hepatic arteries of all 6 patients and the intrahepatic arteries of 5 patients were dilated and tortuous, and the flow velocities in them were increased.
But until the recent, the report on this region is very scarce, which raises a new project for the research on the flow property of the spillway's tortuous path.
But until the recent, the report on this region is very scarce, which raises a new project for the research on the flow property of the spillway's tortuous path.