An indirect fluorescence immunoassay to detect antibody was developed.
ObjectiveTo screen for the optimal washing buffer in R-phycoerythrin fluorescence immunoassay MethodsChange the ionic intensity and pH value of the washing buffer.
The system is working well in the chemiluminescent fluorescence immunoassay detector with high stability and precision, and can reach the performance that expected.
Time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay technology is a new generational non -radioactivity immunoassay. It has wide application and bright foreground in biotechnology and clinical detection.
Modern fluorescence immunoassay, which includes fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) and time-resolved fluorescence immunoassay (TRFIA), also plays an important role in these subjects.
Objective To evaluate the detection of plasma homocysteine (HCY) with fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) technology.
Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) has broad applications in the study of the interactions of biological macromolecules, immunoassay, nucleic acid detection and so on.
The fluorescence labeling technique of phycoerythrin and application for the immunoassay of Tobacco mosaic Virus were studied in this research using it as a labeling probe.
MTX plasma concentrations were measured by fluorescence polarization immunoassay.
荧光偏振免疫法测定m TX血浆水平。
METHODS: the serum concentrations of valproate in 276 patients were determined by fluorescence polarization immunoassay and the results were analyzed.
Enzyme immuno-labeling assay, gold nanoparticle immuno-labeling and fluorescence immuno-labeling assay are used most widely in immunoassay.
摘 要:酶免疫标记、胶体金免疫标记及荧光免疫标记技术是目前应用最广泛的免疫反应检测技术。
Method: The serum concentration of oral phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid were determined in 26,74 and 144 epileptic patients by fluorescence polarization immunoassay, respectively.
方法:采用荧光偏振免疫法对2 6例服用苯妥英钠、74例服用卡马西平、14 4例服用丙戊酸钠的患者血药浓度监测结果及临床疗效分析、评价。
Method: The serum concentrations of 194 children with epilepsy was monitored by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA).
方法:以荧光偏振免疫法(FP IA)对194例癫痫患儿进行血药浓度监测。
Method: The serum concentrations of 194 children with epilepsy was monitored by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA).
方法:以荧光偏振免疫法(FP IA)对194例癫痫患儿进行血药浓度监测。