Technological experiment of fly-ash cement particleboard was processed with the mathematical model of "Quadratic Orthogonal Rotational Combination Design", based on the preliminary experiment.
Trial study on the application of grinding AIDS was conducted aiming at improving the quality of fly-ash cement, reducing power consumption of grinding and increasing the adding rate of fly-ash.
Comprehensive analysis from the grinding effects and the development of strength, we can know that carboxylic acid substances are more suitable for high-performance fly-ash cement grinding AIDS.
Meanwhile, smoke continues to pour from the power station chimneys and lorries shuttle backwards and forwards, taking away the fly ash to be mixed into cement at the neighbouring Ambuja factory.
Effect of fly ash on the workability, strength and hydration heat of high belite cement and concrete.
This paper introduces the mix proportion of high fly ash content concrete instead of 30% cement with fly ash and some experiment results of the test examples in laboratory.
介绍了在水泥混凝土中,采用粉煤灰替代30 %水泥的高掺量粉煤灰混凝土的配合比设计,以及试件力学性能的室内实验结果。
The activated fly ash, when used as cement blend, can either improve the quality of the cement or heighten the ratio of fly ash in the cement.
This paper introduces the methods of exciting the activity of CFB fly ash and experimental study on producing masonry cement by CFB fly ash.
The cement fly ash is a base course material for pavement that has the advantage of both cement and fly ash stabilized granular.
In addition, the cost of fly ash and slag cement or ash is much lower than cement.
The reasonable mix of fly ash cement mortar and fly ash lime cement mortar is put forth.
Through a compaction test on cement fly ash mixture, the article makes an analysis on the optimized dosage of cement fly ash and discusses the performance character and strength formation mechanism.
This Fly Ash is used as cement mortar, concrete mixture and concrete reducing water agent.
To study the improvement of high liquid limit clay in south area of Hunan province for highway embankment, lime, fly ash, cement, lime and fly ash, sand and gravel were used as improvement reagents.
The activity and measurement of activity of fly ash is presented, and the hydrating mechanism of cement fly ash system is described in the paper.
Adding in 35%act ivat-ed fly ash, 42.5R fly ash cement can be produced with good economical benefit and social benefit.
Macroscopic qualitative study and microscopic test technique were combined to examine the effect of the fly ash activator on the early hydrating of cement paste with high volumes of fly ash.
Secondly, grinding effect of every monomer grinding aids with fixed content on fly ash cement and slag cement is tested. The effect on the properties of fly ash cement and slag cement is also tested.
It's a new technology to produce cement as mixing slag cement with fly ash.
The strength and pore structure and other properties of slag-fly ash blended cement, with low clinker, have been studied in order to their components.
Strengths of fly ash cement were tested according to the cement standard.
When proportion up to 9% the compressive strength of solidified fly ash exceeds the cement soil, which proportion of cement is 15%.
The new compound energy saving wall material was made of straw, fly ash, cement as main raw, and some admixtures.
The effect of additives A, B and C on grinding ordinary Portland cement, slag cement and fly ash cement was studied in this paper.
试验研究了A、B、C三类小极性分子对普通硅酸盐水泥、矿渣 水泥 ,粉煤灰 水泥的助磨作用。
The study is made on the influence of clinker admixture, complex stimulator, gypsum admixture and cement particle size distribution on highway fly ash cement.
Using physical phase analysis technology, the component and shape of fly ash cement hardened paste and the offspring of HPC bearing load faction is researched.
The results show that the degree of hydration of fly ash-cement paste is higher and the porosity is lower than pure Portland cement paste in late ages.
The thermal insulating masonry mortar is made of fly ash, ordinary Portland cement and light aggregate as main raw materials, added with every admixture.
FGD residues cement show better performance than fly ash cement 32.5.
FGD residues cement show better performance than fly ash cement 32.5.