Flying Foxes not only see well during daylight, but can also distinguish colors.
Coming through in flying colors, Hindu devotees celebrate Holi, the festival of color, dance, and crowds, at the Banke Bihari temple in Vrindavan, about 87 miles from New Delhi, on March 18.
So if you want to come through this downturn with flying colors — and maybe even a promotion or a raise — you need to think positive.
Jack won the race last week with flying colors.
The organization doesn’t usually evaluate SUVs that large, but the Touareg passed with flying colors, giving Volkswagen/Audi its ninth safety award.
She is a PhD candidate in the department of music, just passed her qualifying exam with flying colors, so here she is to demonstrate the bassoon for us, lowest member of the woodwind family.
The church bells were ringing, and from the high towers sounded a flourish of trumpets; and soldiers, with flying colors and glittering bayonets, lined the rocks through which they passed.
Early last month, the company finally completed the cutover of the CDMA 1x service and EVDO high-speed data service over EPON and achieved on-site service test results with flying colors.
上月初,上海分公司最终完成了基于EPON的CD MA1x和基于EPON的EVDO高速数据通信的割节,现场测试结果出色。
Have confidence in the technology and you will come out with flying colors.
Mack: I got through the exams with flying colors.
Make a note of times in the past when you doubted yourself but ended up coming through with flying colors.
His daughter passed the university entrance exams with flying colors and has received a full scholarship.
Ll: Oh, to pass a test or an exam with flying colors means that you did a really great job.
噢,flying colors就是非常出色。你的意思是我英语考试一定考得非常出色。
Applications that effectively minimize complexity, however, are a bit harder to come by. Here are few that pull it off with flying colors.
Sure enough, our transaction network passed with flying colors as we successfully delivered a million concurrent transactions with no errors over 1 hour sustained with an average time of 108ms
Assuming that a network connection to the public Internet is available when run (and that Twitter hasn't changed its public API), this test should pass with flying colors.
Special relativity has been passing tests with flying colors for over 100 years now. That is why this result is so surprising and unexpected.
You need to ensure running Web services in the test environment comes out with flying colors with no problems or issues.
You'll notice that sed performs its desired task with flying colors.
您将注意到,sed 成功完成了预期任务。
When you play something, you'll feel confident about pulling it off with flying colors.
This was our first major test with Yao out and we passed with flying colors.
By doing these simple things, you should pass your blood pressure test with flying colors!
I passed it with flying colors! They hired me on the spot.
A gifted illustrator, Phan passed the makeup demo test with flying colors, but was ultimately deemed unfit for the position due to a lack of previous experience.
The stadium was decorated with flowers and flags with flying colors.
I have seen many games pass the first hour or two of testing with flying colors, only to get a sharp dropoff after the first few hours of play.
I have seen many games pass the first hour or two of testing with flying colors, only to get a sharp dropoff after the first few hours of play.