Almost everywhere it has focused exclusively on national issues, not European ones.
Previous autism gene studies focused exclusively on people from a European background, they noted.
The example given in this article focused exclusively on a stateless facade using stateless commands.
Focused exclusively on their sprint goals, Scrum teams must demonstrate results at the end of each 30-day cycle (each sprint).
The team focused exclusively on the inner ear in its studies, but Someya says other body systems might also benefit from the antioxidants.
It greatly expanded the scope of GATT. In the past, the General Agreement on Tariffs and trade had focused exclusively on world trade in goods.
A key part of this strategy is led by Justice Department prosecutors -many of whom are focused exclusively on computer and intellectual property crimes.
A key part of this strategy is led by Justice Department prosecutors - many of whom are focused exclusively on computer and intellectual property crimes.
One client site had a development area that focused exclusively on an externally facing web application that frequently required small updates in very short timelines.
And because I am better than you, I am entitled to expect that you do the things for me.I am entitled to be focused exclusively on my own needs and kind of disregard yours.
And because I am better than you, I am entitled to expect that you do the things for me. I am entitled to be focused exclusively on my own needs and kind of disregard yours.
SNM's Annual Meeting is the world's largest event focused exclusively on meeting the educational and networking needs of the nuclear medicine and molecular imaging community.
Since trust and reconciliation are the vehicles for rebuilding a ruptured connection, these researchers focused exclusively on recently married couples and their assessment of being forgiven.
I focused on this exclusively for about a month, and didn't have any other goals, projects or habits that were my main focuses.
In the past, most sports biomechanics studies pole vault almost exclusively focused on the vaulter.
The progesterone finding is of particular interest, said Flaws, because the medical community has focused almost exclusively on the role of low estrogen levels in bringing on hot flashes.
The next couple of days will see you focused almost exclusively on getting things done.
The next couple of days will see you focused almost exclusively on getting things done.