Select the WebContent folder in your new project and use your alternate mouse button to open the context menu.
This element enables the Browse widgets catalog context menu item on the widgets folder and allows users to populate their widgets folder with widgets from the catalog categories specified.
该元素启用了Widgets文件夹中的Browse WidgetsCatalog上下文菜单,允许用户使用指定目录分类中的widget填充自己的Widgets文件夹。
To create a source folder, right-click the sametimebot project and from the subsequent context menu, select New - source folder.
要创建源文件夹,右键单击sametimebot项目,在随后出现的上下文菜单中选择new-Source Folder。
Right click on the _layouts virtual directory (you may also see a non-virtual _layouts folder) and select Properties from the context menu
"Open Download Folder" added to context menu in main window.
"Open Download Folder" added to context menu in main window.