Watchful waiting costs just a few thousand dollars, in follow-up doctor visits and tests.
In that case, a process for activities like patient alerting, doctor notification, and follow-up tracking could be defined as a BPEL process invoking a set of component services.
Both of these drugs may have some side effects, so schedule a follow-up with his doctor once he begins taking these medications.
You can then follow up with your primary care doctor to evaluate your overall cardiac risk and quickly start appropriate prevention strategies.
After your health check result coming out, we will contact with you in time if the result is abnormal and need to follow up with doctor.
Serve as the family doctor of customers to regularly follow up the health conditions of customers;
You and your doctor should discuss the possible side effects of your treatment so that proper planning, evaluation and follow-up can take place.
The doctor may recommend longer waits between follow-up visits if a patient continues to be disease-free.
The doctor may recommend longer periods of time between follow-up visits if a patient continues to be disease free.
Methods: Family doctor services will be used in daily work rituals, such as in the reception community residents, households and home visits, follow-up of Chronic Diseases, answer calls.
If your disease responds to initial treatment, your doctor will perform follow-up tests every 3 to 6 months to monitor you for symptoms and signs of recurrence, or return of your disease.
Ask that your doctor prescribe the lowest dose and the smallest quantity you may need and find out when to call to follow up on how well it is working.
Ask that your doctor prescribe the lowest dose and the smallest quantity you may need and find out when to call to follow up on how well it is working.