Measures of the key behaviors were collected three times from the children — prior to administering the program, immediately after it was completed, and six months following its completion.
The following photos pair a photo from Haiti taken immediately after the earthquake, at right, with a photo taken in the last several weeks, at left.
Next, immediately after the initial installation completes, log in as root and at the console enter the following.
In addition, the study highlights which patients are most likely to experience serious complications during and immediately after surgery. The patients at high risk were identified as the following.
Immediately following this in time, order, or place; after this.
but it was poor stuff, shipped immediately after the harvest and drunk quickly before it turned to vinegar the following spring.
Any treatment to surfaces shall be agreed with the engineer following inspection immediately after removing the formwork and shall be carried out without delay.
Following the receipt of earthquake prediction, it is necessary to immediately after the orderly evacuation, leave as soon as possible.
Following the receipt of earthquake prediction, it is necessary to immediately after the orderly evacuation, leave as soon as possible.