Even if you set a font size to a descriptive value, such as medium, you will see different results in different browsers.
A style can have any number of attributes: background color, border color, border width, border style, font color, font family, and font size.
You can change the font size, bookmark pages, and jump directly to different chapters.
Therefore, no two browsers give the same results when the font size written into an application changes.
The problem is that browsers have different ways of allowing users to adjust font size.
A child font size in one selector becomes a parent font size in another selector in the lower level in the hierarchy of selector sets.
A common implementation technique is to set one initial font size, then use percentages for any other font sizes further down the stylesheet.
As font size is increased, the height of the navigation bar increases.
A workspace contains all your projects and Settings, such as the colors used for syntax highlighting, font size, etc.
Then I add the result to the font size property like shown in Listing 11.
然后将这个结果添加到字体大小属性,如清单11 所示。
For any further alterations of the font size, we used the percentage unit to preserve proportionality if the browsers default font size is changed by the user.
To control the font size and weight, edit the default.
要控制字体的大小和粗细,编辑 ...
That’s your optimal font size.
A basic font size needs to be used that is readable for most people.
You can use the copy and paste features to create labels in the same style (font color, background color, and font size).
Check that the font size and style of the book is suitable for young eyes.
In the third layer, the child font size in the second layer becomes the new parent font size.
IE represents this font size as "medium" text.
The first thing we did was to define a basic font family and font size.
Also, a font size below about 10px is probably too small for anyone to read in large amounts.
Layout with a decreased font size.
Change the Font size to 24 and press OK. (Figure 20)
将字体的尺寸改为 24并按OK。
Layout with an increased font size.
The reduced font size remains at 1 em.
减小了的字体大小仍然是1 em。
Cairo understands scaled fonts, which contain caching metrics for a given font size.
I use em as a percentage of the font size of the parental element.
The second layer shows the child font size is changed to 0.75em.
第二个层显示子字体大小被修改为 0.75em。
The computed child font size of 12px is achieved by multiplying 16px by .75.
通过将16乘以 0.75,将得到计算后的子字体大小12px。
I know that the parent element has a default font size of 16px.
Multiplying this parent font by 0.75 results in a smaller font size of 9px.
将这个父字体乘以 0.75 得到一个较小的字体大小9px。