The large size of the settlements made improving processing and storage of necessary food difficult.
More-efficient farming practices and better transport, storage and processing facilities ensure that a larger proportion of the food reaches markets and consumers.
Grocery stores of the future might stock "food" that lasts years on end, freeing up shelf space and reducing transportation and storage requirements.
Due to poor practices in harvesting, storage and transportation, as well as market and consumer wastage, it is estimated that 30-50% of all food produced never reaches a human stomach.
Local people have also carved out over two hundred caves in the soft rock, and use them for everything from sacred burial places to food storage.
Every possible space, nook and cranny is used for food storage, clothing, hanging towels - you name it, it's somewhere, even if temporarily unfindable.
It could be a house with a bed, a table, a chair, a place for food storage and preparation, a toilet, perhaps a shower.
For help navigating the real estate of your kitchen, here's our food storage guide to what goes where.
Then there are chilling and food-storage problems.
Other than some cooking oil and chocolate flavoring, most of the products so far are not food but food-related, and involve food storage or preparation — items such as cutting boards.
Summer rand other animals have a leisurely life, only the ants run around in the fields to collect wheat and barley, to their winter food storage.
Limited cooking and food storage facilities are available in the utility room.
A study by the food Marketing Institute demonstrated that if a person is told how to properly handle food they were more likely to avoid improper food storage and handling.
A few DE GREes can make a big difference when it comes to food storage.
Medicine, food, storage, transportation, refrigeration's whole spinach industry.
Food Storage: Potatoes, Onions, garlic.
To refrigerate or not, that is the question. When it comes to eggs, it all depends on where you live. Different nations handle this food storage issue differently.
According to the health department and the hotel requires correct food storage.
Maintains purchasing, receiving and food storage standards.
The broadcast showed how the astronauts lived on the spacecraft. It showed their instruments, food storage, and details of how they moved and worked without gravity to give them weight.
Taproot a persistent primary root that grows vertically downward. Swollen taproots used for food storage are common in many biennial plants, such as carrot (Daucus carota).
Effective food utilization depends in large measure on knowledge within the household of food storage and processing techniques, basic principles of nutrition, and proper child care.
Humps are common in dinosaurs, and can be used for heat regulation - when they might look like a kind of sail - for display, or for food storage.
Non-Toxic. Silicone is great for food storage and serving purposes because it is hygienic, hypoallergenic and resistant to bacteria.
The results given in this paper will be very useful to the designs of food storage, food refrigeration equipment, food drying equipment and their processes.
The results given in this paper will be very useful to the designs of food storage, food refrigeration equipment, food drying equipment and their processes.