All through the night, Alia, Anis, his brothers and neighbours took the books from the library, passed them over the seven-foot wall and hid them in the restaurant.
And now instead of a smoothly flowing river, ships face a 600 foot wall.
Witnesses reported that the perpetrator escaped by bounding over a nine-foot wall and laughing all the way.
They used a ladder which had been left behind by some workmen and they climbed a twenty-foot wall and got away in a stolen car.
The plants bloomed in slow, honey-fragrant fireworks, and by July there was a 4-foot wall of milkweed screening a dimly remembered pond.
The 60-foot wall of water — triggered by Typhoon Trami — crashed on the shore near the city of Haining, where onlookers gathered to watch the storm on Thursday.
星期四这天,围观者们聚集在一起观看暴风的时候,台风“潭美” (TyphoonTrami)引发的 60 英尺高的海水,在海宁市附近的海岸 突然落下。
A series of small shear zones, which are parallel to the main deformation belt, are formed in the foot wall, while in the hanging wall ductile brittle normal faults are popular.
Survivors said they had almost no warning that the 10-foot wall of water was bearing down on them, despite the laying of a sophisticated network of alarm buoys off the Sumatran coast.
A forty-foot-high concrete wall encircles the jail.
The foot of the wall should be stained brown.
If your foot feels tense, stand with one hand on a wall for support and place the arch of one foot on top of the ball.
When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, she pressed close to the wall, crushing Balaam's foot against it. So he beat her again.
Work on the Wall stopped at a 200-foot cliff hanging over a foaming white river.
He rose, went to the wall at the foot of which stood the panel which we have already mentioned, and turned it round, still leaving it supported against the wall.
Michael crouches next to the toilet in his cell. He's managed to pull it out about a foot from the wall and he USES his homemade Allen wrench to scrape out the concrete between the cinder blocks.
And when the ass saw the angel of the LORD, she thrust herself unto the wall, and crushed Balaam's foot against the wall: and he smote her again.
So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trode her under foot.
As they face each other in front of a white wall, they keep their bodies about a foot apart and their tongues sloppily in motion.
She can rest her hands flat against the wall and lean in slightly, keeping one foot on the far corner of the tub for support.
The hut stands at the foot of a near vertical wall of rock in an icy fjord in the high Arctic, a week away by dog sled from the nearest human settlement.
I would put my foot out in front of me and measure the distance to be sure the wall wasn't really moving.
Visitors will also be able to see and touch the 70-foot (21.3-metre) underground wall that mercifully held back the Hudson River during the attacks.
The little rectangle at the left end denotes a small foot end wall: this was included as an experiment.
My eyes would always be drawn to the 2 x 2 foot air vent on the wall where it met the ceiling and went on through the labyrinth of the building.
我不由自主会注意到墙上那个紧挨着房顶的2 信×2英尺大的气孔,那气孔通向这个如迷宫般的建筑的各个地方。
Standing at the foot of the great Wall to touch this great building, you will find more of a miracle sigh: So here is the cornerstone of the city blocks of reddish brown shine of marble!
Standing at the foot of the great Wall to touch this great building, you will find more of a miracle sigh: So here is the cornerstone of the city blocks of reddish brown shine of marble!