They connect the hanging wall of one fault to the footwall of another fault, and have special deforming feature, beside them on the hanging wall there are transverse anticlines.
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane it is a strike slip fault.
If a fault has a vertical fault plane. How do we determine its hanging wall and footwall?
Whether mining in hanging wall or footwall, the elastic energy and vertical stress in the fault area will increase with the increase of fault dip Angle.
Fault plane divides faulted rock into two blocks. The block above the fault plane is called hanging wall; the block below the fault plane is named footwall.
Though the load analysis on the tunnel roof wall-rock in the fault footwall tunnel, this paper solves the problem of the tunnel support of tunneling through the great fault;
But to the region of nappe structure, by the reason of rising reverse fault top wall, so we just can calculate the fault geometry under the footwall breakpoint.
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane, it is a strike slip fault.
If the relative movement of hanging wall and footwall is parallel to the strike of fault plane, it is a strike slip fault.