One summer, Gates contracted to write a class scheduling program for his high school. He made sure to "preload" himself into an English class with a dozen girls and no other boys.
I leave the task of scheduling the execution of the program to the reader, as system-dependent methods for doing so are often superior to simple programmatic ones.
At last, author develops correlative calculation program for single resource scheduling.
Key data structure, program flows designed for promotion of differentiated classes of service, scheduling algorithms and specification of API have been narrated in addition.
However, a best scheduling is very important to program operation way for production reasonably.
Through studying the expert knowledge of mining scheduling, this paper constructed a mining rule base for mining scheduling, and designed a ratiocinate program based on production rules.
This paper established a model on the flexibility of short-term scheduling for multipurpose batch process, and developed an applicable computing program to solve the MINLP model.
In the case of file-sharing copyrighted content, the big advantage (apart from not paying for stuff) is the ability to ignore program scheduling or territorially-based release Windows.
In the case of file-sharing copyrighted content, the big advantage (apart from not paying for stuff) is the ability to ignore program scheduling or territorially-based release Windows.